Team Parenthood: How To Not Hate Your Spouse After Kids

A step-by-step course for couples who want to communicate better, enhance intimacy, ditch resentment, and feel like a team again. 

What past participants are saying

Hear it straight from the couples who have completed Team Parenthood

I have found myself talking to parents about the playground about this program! I would highly recommend it to all my friends (and clearly strangers too). 

It was such a wonderful space to openly communicate with my spouse on topics that needed attention in our relationship. We have learnt to work through our emotions, triggers, and feelings behind the disagreement, instead of what was actually said and spinning our tires over the details that don’t actually matter. 

We’ve gained several new tools to communicate and make space for our relationship and each other during a time in life that feeling like a don’t have time for our relationship to be a priority.

Past participants

It was very helpful to hear in real time how other couples were struggling in almost the exact same way that we were in that moment. I actually liked the group format, though I was quite nervous about it at the beginning. I think hearing from other couples put things into perspective for us. Of course we have our weaknesses and struggles, but we also have some great strengths that I was surprised to notice. Having the meetings regularly gave us a good sense of accountability for completing stuff.

P.N. & S.N.
Past participants

We learned a lot about ourselves and our relationship that we had not properly connected in 12 years together. It created a lot of conversations we had never had before. We are so thankful we found you and your course! Had talked about couples counselling for so long and it felt so scary. This was such a good introduction to things we needed guidance with in such a safe space.

Past participants

"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."

CEO / Founder


What if we don't have childcare during the live calls?

That’s totally OK! The program is run virtually so I will have all participant’s microphones muted so we wont hear your wee ones during the sessions. We are all parents and understand that having little ones around is part of this season of life, and exactly what this program is addressing is how to invest in your relationship even when kiddos are around! And if you really can't make it work, you can always catch the replay :)

What is the time commitment?

Each week you need to set aside 60 minutes for the group calls and a minimum of 30 minutes for the homework. The homework can be done in chunks. I would advise you to also set aside about an hour of time with your partner to compare homework, discuss the learning and connect.

How long will we have access to the course material for?

You will have lifetime access to the course material.

Is this course the same as therapy?

No. Although I am a certified clinical counsellor, this course is for educational purposes only. The benefit of this for you is I am using all my knowledge and training from being a therapist to support you to learn the best strategies for success in your own relationship- without investing a lot more time and money.

Do you offer refunds?

Yes, you have a five day window to request a refund. You must submit proof of the work completed during this time and a formal request before the end of the five days to

It feels too expensive...

We’re all working with budgets and “expensive” is a relative concept. 

 If you’re working with a budget where you can either purchase Team Parenthood or pay your rent, please don’t buy this course! 


If you’re in a place where you can swing an extra $197 per month but you’re still hesitating, my answer would be what ARE you willing to invest that $197 in? Drinks and dinner on Friday night? A few too many items you didn't really need on an Amazon sale because the deals were too good to pass up? A couple Skip The Dishes orders per month?  

Sometimes things feeling expensive really means they’re not a priority to you. Life is expensive and many of us are spending the majority of our money on basic needs. But many of us also mindlessly spend on things that don’t actually bring us connection, joy, or move us closer to our goals. So ask yourself, “Am I spending on things that are important to me? Is my relationship worth investing in?”  

And remember, I charge $270 per couples session so getting through all this material in couples therapy would cost much more money (not to mention time).

Will the live calls be recorded?

Yes, life happens so the weekly meetings will be recorded if you cannot attend for any reason, but live attendance has been shown to yield greater results for couples and I highly recommend trying to prioritize it in your schedule.

Can I take the course without my partner?

My recommendation is to take the course together. I think you’ll have the most impact if you’re learning at the same time. But I also want to acknowledge that couples can be on different pages about this stuff and you can definitely see benefit doing it independently as well. 

So you can absolutely go through the course solo, and bring the tips and techniques back into your relationship.

I created a bonus guide How To Get Your Partner On Board that you can use to guide your conversations when approaching them about participating in this course.

Is this course covered by extended health plans?

Every extended health plan is different so it's best to check with your provider to see if educational courses are covered. 


The average couple spends 6 months in therapy, and a whole lot of money. 

Wouldn't it be great if you could have results quicker and without breaking the bank? 

That's my mission with this course. I can walk you through the exact things you need to make real and lasting change in just six weeks. 

Join now!

*if you are joining without a partner, please write "n/a" in required fields

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Team Parenthood

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Terms and Conditions
This course is not therapy. It is an education resource that is not a substitute for therapy. If you are having suicidal, self-harm, violent, or other potentially dangerous thoughts, you need to seek immediate medical attention and should contact emergency medical help so they can provide the support you need.
You are buying this course for your own, personal use. Don’t copy it, sell it, share it, or otherwise distribute it.
Buying the course doesn’t give you any rights to the material. The Nest Counselling Services retains all copyrights.
If you do sell, share, or distribute any materials from this course, The Nest Counselling Services could be financially harmed, and therefore has a right to pursue damages from you.
In order to get a refund (if applicable for your course purchase), you must complete a substantial portion of, and show evidence of completing a substantial portion of, the course in 5 days of receiving access to module 1, and then provide your reasons for requesting a refund in writing ( We reserve the right to discuss your request with you before awarding a refund.
Terms and Conditions - This agreement (the “Agreement”) is between The Nest Counselling Services (the “Provider”) and you (the “Participant” or “you”); (each party collectively as “Parties”) WHEREAS the Provider agrees to provide the Participant with access to the course (“the Course”) under the following terms and conditions. By purchasing the Course the Participant agrees to be bound by the following terms and conditions.
Term - the Term of this Agreement shall commence on the day the Participate purchases the Course (the “Effective Date”), and be considered effective in perpetuity, unless it is terminated by the Provider.
Limited License & Transfer of Intellectual Property - by purchasing the Course, the Participant acknowledges they are granted a single, non-transferable, non-commercial, personal-use license to all the materials provided by the Provider (the “Material”). The Participant may not offer, for free or for sale, any of the Material provided in any format. No license to sell or distribute the Provider’s materials is granted or implied. Downloads and duplications, whether digitally or physically, are permitted solely for your personal use.
Not Therapy Professional Disclaimer- While Provider is a relationship therapist, she is not your relationship therapist and is providing the Course as an educator only. Client understands and agrees that in using the Course, Provider is not providing individual counseling, therapy or relationship advice and any information provided is for general information and educational purposes only. The Services are not intended to be construed as medical advice or intended to replace individual counseling or therapy. If Participant is experiencing any imminent feelings of self-harm, violence towards or from others, etc, they should seek immediate emergency medical attention so they can receive an appropriate level of support.
Refunds and Cancellation - the Provider allows the Participant a time-limited money-back guarantee. To claim a refund under this guarantee, the Participant must complete a substantial portion of, and show evidence of completing a substantial portion of, the course in 5 days of receiving module 1, and then provide your reasons for requesting a refund in writing ( We reserve the right to discuss your request with you before awarding a refund.
Copyright - All intellectual property, including the Provider’s Material, copyrighted or not, shall remain the sole property of The Nest Counselling Services.
Confidentiality - Throughout the Term of the Agreement, confidential information (“Confidential Information”) will be shared by both Parties. Both Parties agree not to disclose, reveal, or make use of any Confidential Information or any transactions outside of the scope of fulfilling this agreement. Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, information disclosed in connection with this Agreement, and shall not include information rightfully received from a third party. Participant shall not reveal any information to a third party obtained in connection with this Agreement.
Force Majeure - in the event that any cause beyond the reasonable control of either Party, including without limitation acts of God, war, curtailment or interruption of facilities or infrastructure, threats or acts of terrorism, labour strike, civil disturbance, make it inadvisable, illegal, or impossible, either because of unreasonable increased costs or risk of injury, for either Parties to perform it’s obligations under this Agreement, the affected Party’s performance shall be extended without liability for the period of delay or inability to perform due to such occurrence.
Severability & Waiver - in the event that any provision of this Agreement is found to be unenforceable or invalid, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and in full force. The failure of either Party to exercise any right provided in this Agreement will not be deemed a waiver of that right or any further rights hereunder.
Terms Updates - the Provider reserves the right to update the Terms from time to time. Notice will be provided to the Participant via the online course portal, or via the email address with which they subscribed to the course. Participant will have 30 days from the time of notification to dispute any updates to the Terms, before they are deemed to have been accepted.
Miscellaneous Limitation of Liability - Participant agrees that they are using the Providers Course at their own risk, and that the Course is only an educational service being provided. Participant releases the Provider from any claims arising from any agreements, past or present, between the parties. Participant accepts any and all risks, foreseen or unforeseen. Participant agrees that the Provider will not be held liable for any damages of any kind resulting from or arising out of (including, but not limited to); direct, indirect, incidental, special, negligent, consequential, or exemplary damages happening from the use or misuse of Provider’s Course.
Non-Disparagement - In the event that a dispute arises between the Parties, the Parties agree and accept to resolve the dispute privately and between themselves. The Parties agree that they neither will engage in any conduct or communications with a third party, public or private, designed to disparage each other.
Assignment - This Agreement may not be assigned by either Party without the express written consent of both Parties.
Indemnification - Participant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Provider and it’s officers, employees, contractors, directors, related entities, trustees, affiliates, and successors from any and all claims and expense whatsoever - including without limitation, claims, damages, judgments, awards, settlements, investigations, costs, attorneys fees, and disbursements - which any of them may incur or become obligated to pay arising out of or resulting from the offering for sale, the sale, and/or use of the Course, excluding, however, any such expense and liabilities which may result from a breach of this Agreement or sole negligence or willful misconduct by the Provider. Participant shall defend the Provider in any legal actions, regulatory actions, or the like arising from or related to this Agreement. Client recognizes and agrees that all of the Provider’s shareholders, trustees, affiliates and successors shall not be held personally responsible or liable for any actions or representations of the Provider.
Resolution of Disputes - If not resolved first by good-faith negotiation between the Parties, every controversy or dispute relating to this Agreement will be submitted to the Canadian Department of Justice. Participant agrees to negotiation and mediation before arbitration. The Parties shall cooperate in exchanging and expediting discovery as part of the arbitration process. The written decision of the arbitrators (which will provide for the payment of costs) will be absolutely binding and conclusive and not subject to judicial review, and may be entered and enforced in any court of proper jurisdiction, either as a judgement of law or a decree in equity, as circumstances may indicate. In disputes involving unpaid balances on behalf of Participant, Participant is responsible for any and all arbitration and attorney fees.
Equitable Relief - In the event that a dispute arises between the Parties for which monetary relief is inadequate and where a Party may suffer irreparable harm in the absence of an appropriate remedy, the injured Party may apply to any court of competent jurisdiction for equitable relief, including without limitation a temporary restraining order or injunction.
Governing Law - This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Province of British Columbia, Canada.
Entire Agreement - This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter contained herein.
I agree

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  • Preferred option
    Pay In Full ($497) + GST$497.00
  • Preferred option
    Payment Plan (3x $197) + GST3x $197.00

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


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  • 1xTeam Parenthood$0

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